Tuesday, 6 December 2011

It's All In The Details

“The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde (first published in 1890 in Lippincot’s Monthly Magazine) is undoubtedly my most favourite story of all time as it is so beautiful, so strange and so remarkably and poetically written. I understand that when adapting a story to a movie it is not always possible or practical to keep completely to the storyline and everything in it THOUGH obviously you leave as much as possible to keep it true. HERE is my great issue - The Picture of Dorian Gray is all about Dorian and his appearance and in the story one of his defining characteristics is that he has “a flowing, golden mane of hair”. You would think that when making the film that whoever was cast to play Dorian would also have or adapt this… WRONG and that is where the film instantly fails, most notably the 2009 adaption. OH MY WORD. I heard that they were re-making it (yes it has been made before) and was rather excited by the prospect UNTIL I saw Ben Barnes in the advertising with *da dun daaaaaaahhh* BROWN HAIR. HONESTLY. WTF WERE THEY THINKING?????!!!!!!!

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